On the weekend of June 1 through June 2, we attended BattleCry at W.P.I (Worcester Polytechnic Institute), an off-season robotics competition we attend every year.

We ran new drive teams, who placed 39th place after seven qualifiers. During off-season competitions such as BattleCry and N.E.R.D. (New England Robotics Derby), we often run different drive teams than our competition drive team to give rookies a chance to learn and gain experience.

Alliance 16 chose the LigerBots as their first pick. Our alliance captain was the DevilBots (2876) and teamed up with second pick, Gompei and the Herd (190) and third pick, GUS (228)!
Our first match and loss in the playoffs was against Alliance 1, we continued on strong after moving down to the lower bracket with three consecutive victories! Our streak broke when we lost in our match against alliance 3.

Throughout the competition we have been hanging up posters for FRC Robocon NE, the first FRC conference we’ll be hosting which will be taking place in September.

We had an amazing time at BattleCry this year! We can’t wait to attend BattleCry again in upcoming years!