On Saturday, June 22, we hosted our largest FLL Info Session ever at WPS with over 57 families in attendance to listen in to our speakers and engage with our original STEAM activities as well as our 2022 robot.

The event lasted from 3 pm to 4:30 pm with crowds of people bustling through the hallways, excited to see all the different activities going on at the event. While the parents were listening in on our info session, the children would be exploring their options of STEAM activities and much more.

“A STEAM activity that was particularly popular with the kids was the slime.” said CMO, Felicia J. “The kids would make their own slime at the table and many were asking if they could make seconds or thirds, sometimes fourths.”

Slime wasn’t the activity to engage in at the info session, seven FLL teams attended and participated in FLL matches to show attendees what a FLL match is like and the amazing lego robots the members of FLL team built. While the FLL teams weren’t in matches, some were taking questions from curious families.

Some time towards the middle of the event, after attendees finished checking in and going around to see what we had to offer and display, we began our info session.

Our info session provides information necessary when starting an FLL team and the event itself would help attendees make connections as they begin to form FLL teams. One of our presenters is a head coach of LigerBots and actually is a previous FLL coach!

This year’s FLL info session was a blast, for both the LigerBots and our attendees. We hope to see some familiar faces at the FLL competitions we’ll be hosting in the fall and early winter as well as to continue inspiring younger kids in the field of STEM.
Speaking of continuing to inspire younger kids…
Before the end of school, the LigerBots had step-up days at our respective high schools, Newton North and Newton South. At these events we would bring one of our robots, Calliope (2024) at North and Prometheus (2022) at South, to drive and display for in-coming 9th graders, in hopes of sparking interest in robotics. We hope to see many of them next year on the team!