The LigerBots Continue an Awesome Preseason!
October 21, 2022
During Newton Green Expo, a group of children catches balls shot from the LigerBots 2020 robot, “Perses.”

Thanks to our successful recruitment efforts, training is now underway for more than 60 first-years! Group leads across all subgroups have been working hard to train new students. 


In the shop, Eddie helps a student safely maneuver the drill press.

In the mechanical subgroup, first-years disassembled the 2016 robot to learn more about its structure. CTO Kevin, comparing the first-years’ enthusiasm to gruesome decomposition, commented that “they took apart the robot like maggots.” First-years also explored prototyping by designing pumpkin-smashing mechanisms, a great preparation for the Newton Pumpkin Smash on November 5. 

First-years interested in CAD explored Onshape, a software system dedicated to CAD (computer-aided design) by using different tools to create simple 3D objects, like a star and a book. 

New programming group members learned the workflow of programming by writing “pseudocode” or plain language descriptions of real-life problems involving yearly population increases or how many prime numbers there are between 20 and 999.

Graphics students work on display case designs for the Newton Free Library.

And, in the graphics group, new Graphics members explored InDesign, a page-layout program. They also assisted in the design of displays for the display cases at the Newton Free Library, where we will be featured during the month of November. 

Besides training, the LigerBots attended Newton Green Expo at the Newton Centre Green on October 17. Featuring local companies and organizations focused on sustainable practices and products, Newton Green Expo draws more than a thousand people every year by encouraging climate action. Our booth featured our 2020 robot, “Perses,” as well as several STEAM activities. Children had tons of fun creating balloon cars, solar ovens, and origami!

During Green Expo, a child catches a ball shot from our robot, “Perses.”
Team member Parker helps a child create origami pyramids during Green Expo.

This Saturday, October 22, the LigerBots will compete in the first annual New England Robotics Derby (N.E.R.D.), an off-season competition held at Billerica Memorial High School. More information can be found here. Come see us! 

We’d like to acknowledge our sponsors for making possible what we’ve accomplished so far. Great thanks to Newton Schools Foundation, Newton Public Schools, Eastern Bank, MathWorks, Paytronix, Raytheon Missiles & Defense, Rockwell Automation, Teradyne, Village Bank, Honda Village, Rotary Club of Newton, IvyMath, the Willins, and the Schwartzes. Your support is greatly appreciated!