Despite the pandemic, the LigerBots have been picking up steam!
The team has grown with many new rookies joining in the past two months. Several team members went to virtual club day events at Newton North and South High Schools to talk to potential rookies about our work.

We have also started our pre-season training, teaching rookies computer aided design and the principles of robot building. Once the school allows us to use the engineering room, we will begin modifying our robot with the concepts and improvements we have designed in quarantine.

The non-technical sides of the team have completed several grants for sponsors and are in the process of getting yard signs for our team to promote ourselves during the pandemic.
Our Awesome Mentorship Project (AMP), created in the spring to help students during quarantine, is well into its fall session, with 20 buddy pairs at recent count. We recently submitted a white paper about our work on AMP and its expansion into a summer camp (cAMP) to the FIRST community(link here). Parents and students all around gave enthusiastic feedback to us, and we were even featured in the Boston Globe! Thank you all for supporting us during these trying times.
We continue to be excited about the upcoming year. Stay tuned for more!