On Mondays and Thursdays during the months of September to November at Newton North or South, the Ligerbots have been training first-years on electrical, marketing, software, and mechanical design.

First-years focusing on electrical engineering learn how to bring designs to life in the shop, while first-years in marketing learn how to create blog posts and manage fundraisers.
In software, first-years learn to properly code and program the robot. Finally, rookies focusing on mechanical design learn about different mechanics and parts before learning how to use C.A.D. (Computer Aided Design) to put their designs on paper.

Veterans, first-years, and coaches alike participate in preseason activities such as dismembering old robots, setting up for FLL events, and training to prepare for the build season.

In engaging in these activities, the LigerBot team members share memories and build a sense of community within the team to make it even stronger before build season.

The LigerBots are a team that stresses the importance of teamwork and unity in all it’s members. It is especially important for older members to form bonds with rookies and assist them in learning the ropes to grow the LigerBots community.
“With all the support and help from the veterans and coaches during training,” said two LigerBot rookies, Lauren and Sofia, “it really makes you feel like you’re a part of this team.”