On Thursday, December 5th, the LigerBots visited the John M. Barry Boys & Girls club in Newton where we showed the kids who attend their after school program our STEAM activities and our 2022 competition robot.

The John M. Barry Boys & Girls Club is a nonprofit after school program for kids in elementary and middle school. Most of the kids at this location are from Horace Mann elementary school with some coming from other schools in the area.

In addition to us being there, some local FLL Teams came to show the FLL playing field and their Lego robot for the game this year, Submerged. We saw them participate in the qualifier competition that we hosted at Newton North where many other teams from elsewhere in the state attended.

We did our skeleton handprint activity where the kids can make a glowing paper model representing the bones in their hands.
“A lot of them initially didn’t show much interest in the activity” said LigerBots CMO Felicia J. “But once they finished the activity and held up their handprint to the light, I saw every single kid that did it brighten up”

The kids could do our classic STEAM activity where they make binary bracelets spelling out their initials in binary code. This is one of the ways that the kids can explore the STEAM world through basic activities.

This was a really engaging event working with the Boys & Girls Club and we are excited to do more with them and other local organizations in the future!