On Thursday, November 14, from 6-8pm, the LigerBots ran the Angier Science Fair, bringing with us a wide variety of STEAM activities including tangrams, paper airplanes, slime, skeleton handprints and more!

The event was attended by many students from Angier’s after school program, their families, and their friends. Our STEAM activities teach topics related to science including air drag, friction, reflectivity, and counting in binary. All the kids were really engaged!

Our team worked with parent volunteers to bring STEAM activities to over 70 kids! This was a collaboration between the Angier elementary school science fair and the LigerBots.

Our student operated robot shot large tennis balls for the kids to catch and they engaged in feeding the ball back into the robot, via the intake. The students got an opportunity to ask questions and be curious about robots and STEAM as a whole.

Stay tuned for our exciting upcoming events, including our inaugural Boys and Girls club workshop and the FLL Championship STEAM Expo coming in December!