On sunny Sunday, September 29th, the LigerBots attended Newtonville Village Day, the City’s largest annual village day. Many organizations and businesses, including local politicians, from Newton and the surrounding towns were there running booths with activities, sharing information, selling food, playing music, and performing dances.

We brought our 2022 competition robot, which is always a big hit, and used it to play catch with the people there. We also answered questions about how the robot works and its various parts and pieces.

In addition, we featured various STEAM activities for children to engage with, including paper activities like origami and double pyramids. With our activities we aim to inspire young minds to appreciate and potentially pursue a STEM education.

The Newtonville Village Day event was amazing and fun for all who attended! We connected with many community members through conversations about our team and how it’s run, helping kids with the outreach activities and showing off our robot! Connections are always our goal at outreach events! We felt that we got people very interested in our team and robotics in general.

Stay tuned for more events happening in the near future including our FLL Championship at STEAM Expo on Saturday, December 14th at Newton North High School.