Honoring the men and women who served
June 13, 2024

Wellesley Town Parade

LigerBots and Ultraviolet

On Sunday, May 19th, LigerBots marched in the Wellesley town parade alongside Ultraviolet, Wellesley’s high school robotics team.

Shooting notes from the robot

Once again, Ultraviolet invited us to march alongside them in the Wellesley Memorial parade! We each brought our competition robot from this year’s season, and displayed them and their functionality in front of the excited crowds lining the street.

Winning the Chairman’s Award.

Our float won the Wellesley parade Chairman’s Award!! After the parade ended, students from both teams hung out in Wellesley’s town center and enjoyed delicious ice cream from Truly’s.

Memorial Day Flag Planting

On Wednesday, May 22nd, to honor our fallen soldiers, the LigerBots, along with members of the Sons of the Legion and Women’s Auxilary from the American Post 440, as well as several boy scouts, planted American flags at the Newton Cemetery. Each flag planted next to the gravestones marks the selfless sacrifices American soldiers made to protect this country. All gave some. Some gave all.

Group picture of flag planters

Memorial Day Parade

On Sunday May 26th, the LigerBots participated in Newton’s annual memorial day parade event. Thousands of people attended, with tens of companies featured in the parade! We walked from Newton North High School on Walnut St to Coletti-Magni Park on Watertown St. with lots of cheering and applause along the way. There were many stands and activities along the route as well as with free popcorn and ice cream! Overall we honored our veterans, engaged with the public, and had a great experience!

Group photo at the memorial day parade
Yutong handing out flyers
Coach Fitz catching a note

Ligerbots approaching the finish line of the parade in front of Newton mayor Ruthanne Fuller

This was a very enjoyable parade and we hope to see all of our community members at future events!