On the evening of Thursday, May 2nd, The LigerBots went to the science fair at Lincoln Eliot elementary school where we showed off our 2022 competition robot and several of our very own STEAM activities to Lincoln Eliot students and families.

The main attraction, as always, was our 2022 competition robot, Prometheus. Prometheus is our robot that shoots large sized tennis balls that are fed in through the back, as Elliot is doing here. Then the driver, in this case Anushka, presses a button and the balls fire.

One of our activities we showed off was the solar oven, an activity in which crayons are melted under an extraordinarily powerful heat source, usually the sun. In this case, we mock the energy of the sun with a sun lamp.

In our human robot activity, a student or LigerBots team member gives directions for a blindfolded participant to navigate through a maze filled with cones. These directions mock computer code, like “turn right 90 degrees” or “walk four steps forward.” It turns Scratch into real life!

We also did origami at this event. Origami is the art of folding paper into many different shapes. The particular shape we made here is called a double pyramid. Here, Jack is making the double pyramid for a child at the event.

Finally, we did one of our long-running activities: binary bracelets. In this activity, participants write their initials in beads representing binary, the language of 0s and 1s that computers use. By the end, they are not only introduced to computer binary but they also have a nerdy bracelet to take home!
Everyone had a very good time at our Lincoln Eliot elementary STEAM expo. We look forward to more amazing events like this!