On November 12, the LigerBots hosted its first FIRST Lego League (FLL) scrimmage at WPS institute in preparation for the FLL Newton Qualifier on Saturday November 19. With the help of Carrie Wihbey from WPS Institute, the LigerBots and the FLL teams who attended had a great first FLL scrimmage at WPS.

It provided practice to both the participants of FLL and our team members, and many members have expressed being impressed with the robots the FLL teams had built.
Student Co-Chief Marketing Officer Tristan Leung said, “I thought a lot of the designs were genius like how there were lots of setups so like they would have frames they would put their robots into so it would line up perfectly.

Around 8 FLL teams attended and all of them seemed very excited to be there and as the scrimmage continued, there was visible improvement and the start of strategy and teamwork being applied within the participants.
“I noticed that the FLL teams worked together well and demonstrated communication skills,” said team member Sarah Hemment.

The scrimmage included mock games, there were a few rounds of the game and the teams would rotate participating in the game while other teams would be sent to judging rooms.
“A coach and I were both judging a team called the Gummy Bears.” According to team member Wes Halliwell, “Their innovation project was very well done and showed a lot of effort.”