Welcome to the LigerBots Open House!
November 13, 2023

On September 28th, 2023, The LigerBots hosted our annual open house for 46 prospective students, from Newton North and Newton South. The LigerBots open house is one of our most well known events, introducing the myriad of opportunities for new students to experience the different parts of our team. We began with a warm welcome and brief introduction of our team, where we talked about the various aspects of the LigerBots. 

Veteran LigerBot students mentoring new students on wire soldering. 
New students attempting the shop tools scavenger hunt activity.

Prospective team members had the opportunity to learn how to solder, make 3D objects, and more! Aligning with our team’s ideology of teaching STEM through hands-on approaches, we had students try out machinery in the shop and familiarize themselves with our shop tools through a tools scavenger hunt.

Students competing to build the highest Lego tower.

Students also got to experience driving the 2022 robot and some of our STEM activities for younger kids for our outreach events. Here, students compete in a competition to build the highest LEGO tower.

New student observing a “hidden CAD image”

Members were given the opportunity to try making a graphic for the LigerBots, as well as look for a hidden image in Onshape, the software the LigerBots use for CAD (computer aided design).

Coding STEAM activity: Human Robot Maze

We topped off our night with a celebration of cake, to cheer on our future teammates. Coming up soon is our FLL Qualifier on November 18th and FLL Tournament on December 16th.