Sign up for AMP Fall today!
September 19, 2020

Our Awesome Mentorship Project, conceived as a program to have high schoolers do fun activities with or tutor elementary school students via the Internet during quarantine, has grown into a program beyond even our grandest hopes!. We had a successful 82 mentor pairs by our spring session’s end, and soon expanded it into a full-fledged virtual summer camp with 150 students and 80 teachers, that we ran along with a summer session of AMP. We could not have done this without the gracious support of the parents, the enthusiastic kids, and the devoted teachers and mentors, so thank you all!

But, we’re not done–we are offering a fall session of AMP! We anticipate that like the spring, many will be staying at home more, especially as the winter months settle in, so this program is a great way for mentor and mentee alike to bond and spend time together!

If you are interested…

Parents, sign your child up here!

Mentors, sign up here!

Email us with any questions at [email protected]

Stay safe everyone and we hope to see you all in person really soon!