We’re four weeks into build season, and we have made major progress on our robot. The chassis has been fully built, and the ball intake was successfully tested. The gear intake is also near completion, while the rope-climber and ball-shooter are well under construction. The second robot is nearly up to speed with the chassis, and the electrical team has built a test-bed for software before it is used on the robot. Our team has attended two outreach events in January. First, we had at the Just Think Expo, which gathers many non-profit organizations that support teens and families in Newton in making good decisions. Then, the LigerBots and other FIRST teams made an appearance at the Booz-Allen Ideas Festival. By showing what students are doing with STEM education and new technology, the FIRST teams set out to inspire employees of the large, Boston-based consulting firm to better help their clients. We also have a group of team members working on our Chairman’s award submission, and they have nearly finished writing the Chairman’s essay and making the video. We are very proud of our progress so far, and cannot wait to present the finished product!